
  • 置件 - FUJI NXTIII M3、NXTIII M6、JUKI 2050L、2050M、2060M、3020。
  • 程式轉換軟體-文惠、GC 。
  • 錫膏印刷-Europlacer、Oright。
  • 錫膏檢查- Sinic-tek。
  • 迴焊- ETC 10 區氮氣迴焊爐。
  • AOI自動光學檢查機-Mento。
  • X-ray檢查機-Y.Cougar。
  • 雷射雕刻機-1部。
  • Solder Paste Mixer (one for lead and one for lead-free)-2 units.
  • 選擇性焊錫爐 - Pilliar house。
  • 後段手焊、組裝生產線(有鉛、無鉛各二) - 4條。
  • 全自動噴膠機-1部。
  • 全自動5軸點膠機-1部。
  • Desktop single-liquid automatic dispenser-3 units.
  • Digitally Controlled Two-Liquid Automatic Dispenser-1 unit.
  • 全自動雙平台自動鎖螺絲機 - 1部。
  • 20K Hz Ultrasonic Laminator-1 unit.
  • Digital Storage Oscilloscope-6 units.
  • 信號產生器 - 5部。
  • 頻譜分析儀(2.6Ghz~8.5Ghz) - 5部。
  • Power supply-6 units.
  • 測試用PC - 15部。
  • Dust reduction clean room-2 rooms.
  • 電波隔離室 - 2間。
  • Burning room-2 rooms.
  • 可程式自動撈板機 - 1部。
  • 閘刀式裁板機 - 2部。
  • 全廠靜電即時監控系統。
  • The entire plant is laid with conductive floors to connect the building's antistatic system.
Established in order to self-require with RF high-frequency professional processing factory Equipment, can provide partners with comprehensive processing, manufacturing, and procurement services; customers Users only need to focus on R & D, sales, and other efficient business, proofing, trial production, and purchase (Passive components mainly) and other trivial, low value-added services are handed over to you.